Friday, January 23, 2009

Are you ready for this?

3 weeks to go... Let the planning begin!!

Listed on, here is an event guide to New York City for the month of February.
I will be keeping notes throughout the trip to compare with what's listed below.
Somehow, I doubt the trip will be pathed out the same..

February in New York City - Weather and Event Guide

February Weather:
Average High: 32°F (4°C)
Average Low: 29°F (-3°C)

February is usually a bit warmer than January, and less likely to be rainy, but still among the coldest months in New York City. Tall buildings can make the wind feel colder and stronger than normal, so be sure to dress for the weather.

What to Wear:
boots or golashes - to keep your feet warm and dry
dress in layers -- it will typically be warm in stores, subways and attractions, but it is nearly impossible to visit New York City without spending time outside, so you'll want to ensure you're warmly dressed for walking around a warm coat, hats, earmuffs, scarves, and gloves/mittens

February Perks:
the cold weather continues to make bargain accommodations and discount flights to New York City available. The Chinese Lunar New Year means there are a variety of parades and celebrations to experience in early February and you can dine at some of New York City's best restaurants at a great discount during New York City Restaurant week.

February Cons:
cold, snowy weather
chance of flight/travel problems if a storm comes through
Valentine's Day and President's Day holidays can mean inflated prices and crowding

(I'm trying to understand why it's a con to spend Valentines day in New York... but I'll have to see this for myself!!)

Good to Know:
The third Monday in February is "President's Day" and is a federal holiday to commemorate the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. This means that many businesses may be closed, but typically restaurants and other tourist attractions remain open.
Many American school systems have a week of vacation in February, typically the week of President's Day, so New York City school children will be out of school, and many families vacation in New York City this week.

February Highlights/Events:
New York Restaurant Week
Ground Hog Day
Fashion Week
Chinese Lunar New Year
Valentine's Day in New York City
Ice Skating in New York City