Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rockerfeller & that guy…

If you've ever been to Rockerfeller Plaza, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about…

Starting late October, the Rockerfeller Center opens up it's popular outdoor skating rink to the public. What a spectacle! People lineup for hours waiting for their turn to skate circles around this New York treasure. There is always great music blaring on the rink so people can dance to.. It’s a wonderful spot to sit and people watch as well.

There is always a great mix of people skating around.. You have your locals, tourists (a given), kids and adults of all ages, the amateurs and the beginner skaters…
And then there's THAT guy..

The guy who dances to his own beat (literally.. He brought his own tunes with him)
The guy who does the pirouettes to make sure EVERYONE has his attention
The guy who serenades the young ladies who gawk at him in disbelief
The guy who brings a whole new meaning to casual chic…
This guy… {This isn't my video.. But this is the guy I'm talking about}

When we first spotted him, it was around 11:30pm on the 13th after seeing Avenue Q. We were in stitches the entire time we were there. We ended up chatting with a few locals which was pretty awesome. They said they'd been living in NYC for while and they'd never seen anything this outrageous before. Good times had by all.
{The gang with our new friend}

As far as Rockerfeller Ice Skating goes, the cost isn't great, but it's definitely worth a walk through. There is fantastic shopping on the complex and a Magnolia's on site (this alone is worth a trip)
You can check out the costs during peak season here..