Friday, February 27, 2009

After shocks and after thoughts

So after a very long and interesting journey on the road we are back home safe and sound from the big city. It is my 3rd full day back at work and I’m finding it very hard to concentrate after such an adventure. When you go from beautiful +10c weather and come home to a snow storm (blizzard and all) it’s hard to be optimistic about things.

So how was the trip you ask? To sum it up in one word… NYC was amazing. We did almost everything we wanted to get done and saw so many more sites we’ve never really seen or heard of before. This being my 5th trip to the big apple (I know over kill) I was pleased to see old favorites and enjoyed getting lost amongst the skyscrapers and shops.

Here is a quick summary of things we've learned along the way while in the city..

  1. Chinatown, Canal st, is always open no matter the holiday so please, don’t freak out. There will always be bags in the backrooms waiting for you to take them home.

  2. The express line on the subway is nothing like the local line. Be careful, you might end up in Harlem if you aren’t paying attention!

  3. When you see a dog in Central Park, don’t rush to pet it. If they don’t see you coming, you might get a very unexpected surprise coming your way!

  4. It is very cold and windy on the Brooklyn bridge.

  5. Broadway and West Broadway are 2 very different streets. Please make sure you don’t confuse the pair.

  6. Never EVER buy electronics in Time Square. (consider yourself warned)

  7. Use the Subway, it’s much cheaper to get from one end of the city to the other rather than taking a cab.

  8. Movie Mike has the best bootleg DVD collection in town, at $5 a pop, you won’t be disappointed.

  9. Always cross at an intersection in Time Square. Cabbies may see you, but they will never stop if the light is green. Be very careful or a trip to the hospital might be needed.
  10. Wear sensible shoes people... unlike Nancy Sinatra, my boots were made for walking shorter distances.. Keep your daisy boots at home and wear sneakers...

Stay tuned for more…