Monday, March 2, 2009

Leading up to day 1

The week of the trip was indeed a busy one. On the Monday we had made this little schedual and by Thursday night the house was supposed to be clean, our bags were supposed to be packed and I had to finish an assignment for my photog class due.. like that day! Nothing was done.. nada… not even the laundry load waiting on us in the basement…

Thursday overall was an interesting day.. I don’t know about you, but I always get anxious for Thursdays to end, I seem to want to get things done and finished before the end of the day so I won’t have anything to do but surf the internet all day Friday (the life of a public servant right?). We were schedualed to leave at 7am and drive to Syracuse to catch our flight to the big apple the next day. By 11:30pm Thursday night, panic mode stepped in. not anywhere near ready..

The trip didn’t exactly start off on the right foot.
I got home from my late night photog class and quickly swept things up to bring with us on the trip and started a laundry load. Everything seemed under control, we had a system going. I even had a couple spare minutes (unheard of!!) to check what was going on in Perez’s world. I now wish I hadn’t…

What the heck do you think went through my mind when this happened??
Switched it to CNN to make sure this wasn’t a joke… Perfect. Not only was it Friday 13th, but we were schedueled to fly with Continental (operated by Colgen Air) and flown on the exact plane that had it’s fiery demise in Buffalo.

(side note, my heart goes out to the families who have lost a loved one in this terrible accident)

We called our travel mates (which probably wasn’t the best idea because a- it was 12:30am and b- well, Friday the 13th… if you are superticious, really not a good day to get this type of news)

We re-grouped and decided to leave at 6am instead of 7am.(seemed like a great idea at the time…) We had a plan.

Day 1: 6am

Breakfast was the first thing on the agenda, but since we were so VERY early, it was hard to hook an open McDonald’s serving breakfast to satisfy the cravings.. (can’t start a trip without the sausage and Egg goodness friends!!) we eventually found one on the road so it worked out.

After running out of window juice and almost being run off the road by some black ice, we finally made it to the airport in Syracuse in record time. 9:30am… when did our flight actually depart you ask? Not until 2pm… we should have known!! We were flying to Newark, and this airport is prone for lengthy delays.. we had tons of time to kill. So much so we did what any good traveler would do, hit up the bar. Nothing like a good drink to calm your nerves right?

Wayyyy wrong..

Things started out ok on the flight.. the snack service was in full force and things were going good.. that’s until the flight attendant said we got to our destination mighty early and started picking up our half finished drinks and snacks 10 minutes in… for those of you who haven’t been on a flight, a service usually lasts 15-20 minutes. To add another notch of scary to the mix, the flight attendant ran up and down the isles picking up trash at the speed of light. He was nowhere near the calmest he should have been...

We hit so much turbulence… When your boyfriend, (who is mostly calm during all flights you’ve ever been on together), gives you that Holy shit look… something is deff way off the charts. We landed… after a very sketchy side skid (very scary feeling).

Even though this was a brand spanking new aircraft… I felt 100% safer in an older crappier aircraft.. Is that strange to you??

It didn’t matter anymore. We were going to be in beautiful SUNNY AND WARM NYC for 10 fantastic days and nothing was going to take that away from us… not even a crappy plane.