Monday, March 2, 2009

From the Lincoln Tunnel to Avenue Q..

Our drive from the airport was great.. if you like gasoline emission... in an unventilated tunnel..
That's right, it's all fun when you see the Men in Black tunnel.. right up until you start driving through it in rush hour traffic at 5pm in the afternoon. Good times..

Got to our digs on the Upper West Side, settled in, had a quick bite to eat (fantastic dindin) and ran for a cab. New York is great for it's cabs.. but just make sure you know where you are going because the drivers thrive on tourists like us for a couple extra bucks.. (do you blame em'?) And make sure to have the address on you in case they have no clue where you want to go.. (our situation for example!! John Golden theater apparently didn't ring a bell)

If you got tickets and plan on going to see a show, try to get there a little earlier than curtain call. Sometimes traffic is unpredicable. Ours? back to back through Time Square.. but that's mostly our fault for waving a cab on Central Park. There will always be a huge lineup outside the theater.. not to worry, you will get in (provided you have your tickets in hand and are at least 5 minutes early)

Avenue Q was AMAZING..

here is a quick description lifted from wikipedia:

The show is largely inspired by (and is in the style of) Sesame
Street: Most of the characters in the show are puppets (operated
by actors onstage), the set depicts several tenements on a rundown street in an Outer Borough of New York City, both the live characters and puppet characters sing, and short animated video clips are played as part of the story."

The characters use profanity, and the songs concern adult themes. A recurring theme is the central character's search for a "purpose." Since the musical soundtrack for it was released, the song "The Internet Is for Porn" has become particularly popular on websites such as YouTube and can be downloaded for free from the official website. According to the official site, the musical
is appropriate for both adults and mature teenagers.

more to come...